January 2025
The Parish of Freshford with Limpley Stoke and Hinton Charterhouse
A Happy New year to you all!
I do hope you had a Happy Christmas with friends and family.
We have had a busy time in our churches with very well attended services.
The Christmas Day service was led very well by Charlie Peer our Archdeacon, with people staying afterwards to chat with each other until we had to ask if they were planning to spend the rest of their Christmas day there!
Over all I think we had 350 to 400 adults and children coming to our services over the Christmas period which is wonderful and more than £400 was raised for Tearfund.
Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make all the services and other events happen. Debbie
School update
My goodness, it’s been a super busy time for our local school, pre-school and young families!!
The youngest children in the school (Key stage 1) put on an original re-telling of the nativity, “The Lion, the Unicorn and Me”, with words and music by Kate Courage. Those of us who were able to watch it, were left in awe at the sheer choreography of managing 60 very young children on the stage in Freshford Memorial Hall!
Our pre-school children, directed by Debbie Giles and accompanied on guitar by Jenny Harper, delighted their audience with the retelling of the nativity story. A wonderful set with a very creative use of cardboard for a stable, complete with a door as well as some beautiful costumes.
There were two special all age services in our churches as well. St John’s Church in Hinton Charterhouse had a joyful afternoon with their Pop-up Nativity service with carols. An impromptu performance of the Nativity story was coupled with congregational carols.
At St Peter’s Church in Freshford, a Christingle service with carols was held, and seeing so many children singing Away in a Manger whilst holding their lighted Christingles was a truly memorable sight. Each event was followed by very welcome refreshments, including mulled wine and mince pies. Thank you to all those who contributed in any way to these services.
An enormous amount of work goes into these family events, but who can deny that it is worth every second if it helps our children to learn something of the love of Jesus for us? Penny
News from St Mary’s
We had a wonderful traditional Carol Service just before Christmas. There was not a seat to be had and the service was led enthusiastically by Nigel Rawlinson, the university chaplain, with some lively audience participation including great singing. He’s returning to us in February!
The church was beautifully decorated as ever so many thanks to Carol and her army of willing flower arrangers.
This month’s service sees the welcome return of Andy Hutchinson, the chaplain at Monkton Combe School so be prepared for another thoughtful contribution from him and a dignified communion service. David
What are our services for January?
5th January 10:30 am St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse Morning Communion
12th January 10:30 am St Peter’s, Freshford Sunday Service
19th January 10:30 am St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke Morning Communion
26th January 10:30 am St Peter’s, Freshford Morning Service
Wednesday Afternoon Tea at the Old Bakery on New Year’s Day at the usual time of 2.30 – 4.00 for tea, coffee, cake and chat. Everyone is very welcome.
Morning prayer
Wednesday Mornings 8.30am at the Old Bakery. Please join us as we pray for the parish. Pam
Midweek Holy Communion service *
At St Peter’s Church, Freshford on Wednesday 30th October
at 2.15pm
* This will be an informal service using more traditional language and pre-consecrated bread and wine. The service will last for approximately 30 minutes.
Ladies Wednesday walking group
The dates for 2025 are the 8th January, 12th February, 12th March, 9th April, 14th May, 11th June, 9th July. There will be no walking group in August. Please contact Debbie Ashcroft on 07889780984 or debbieashcroft@live.co.uk if you would like to join the walking group. All welcome!
Monday Zoom sessions
If you don’t get out much and feel like a chat, a small group of us zoom together for 45 minutes on a Monday morning. To give it a try, please contact Penny Jones on jonespennyg@gmail.com.
List of contacts
Churchwardens St Peter’s, Freshford
Roland Birchby birchbyr@gmail.com or Tel: 01225 723432
Debbie Ashcroft debbieashcroft@live.co.uk
Steve Ashcroft steveashcroft@hotmail.co.uk
Churchwarden St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse
Karen Roberts-Wray (Grattage) kgrattage@me.com or Tel: 01225 729364
Churchwardens St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke
Trevor Quartermaine redadmiral7965@gmail.com
David Sibley dssibley38@gmail.com
Parish Administrator
Debs Jones contact.parishoffice@gmail.com 01225 720347