February 2025
The Parish of Freshford with Limpley Stoke and Hinton Charterhouse
Dear Friends
We are fast approaching the end of January and Christmas feels a long way behind us, although we do seem to be finding Christmas remnants around the house still! There seems to be uncertainty where ever we look at the moment, whether that’s in our own parish as we wait for a new vicar or in the world around us. I was reminded this morning of this children’s song:
’Our God is a great big God and he holds us in his hands
He’s higher than a sky scraper and deeper than a submarine
He’s wider than the universe and beyond my wildest dreams
and He’s known me and He’s loved me since before the world began
How wonderful to be a part of Gods amazing plan’
Childish but very true! God knows us and loves us and is holding us in His hands. Please continue to pray for our vacancy team as they fill each Sunday with a speaker and particularly as they seek clergy for the Easter services.
Vacancy update
We have been making very good progress on the work to find our next vicar – We have prepared, and had approval for, the Parish Profile which describes the parish, the role and the sort of person we are looking for. Candidates will review this to determine if it is a good fit for them. The associated advertisement has also been prepared for publication on the Bath and Wells diocese website and the Church of England ‘Pathways’ website as of the end of January. The closing date for applications is 26th February, so further updates in the next newsletter!
School news
Christmas now seems a long time ago and, just like the rest of us, our Freshford church school is looking forward to Spring and Easter!!
We are already planning an end of term service in St Peter’s Church, as usual. With a school population of approximately 150 pupils plus staff, sadly we are unable to invite others to join us, but it is always a special occasion.
As Easter falls right at the end of the school holidays this year, some of the children will be
re-enacting the Last Supper, including Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, helping them to understand the concept of Jesus as a Servant King, not a king with fine palaces and beautiful robes.
Once again, we are delighted that Matt Vaine, curate at St Philip and St James, Odd Down, is able to join us. We are so grateful that he has been willing to come along to all of our school services since Mike retired, providing important continuity for the children.
St John’s
We’re looking for people interested in becoming a verger to attend at weddings and funerals.
The role involves meeting the couple or family prior to the service to discuss their requirements including reserved seating, pew candles, music, the set-up for readings, bells, if someone will need access for flowers, and any other requirements. It will also mean ensuring the heating is set if needed.
On the day, you’ll arrive an hour before the service to put on lights and set up/light candles, welcome the priest, and welcome and seat guests as required. You may need to press play on recorded music and do other tasks during the service. At the end of the service, you’ll need to ensure the service register and burial forms/book/plan are filled out, tidy up, turn off lights and lock up once everyone has left.
There is an attendant’s fee which you can claim after the service.
If you’re interested please contact Karen on 07427770385 or kgrattage@me.com or speak to one of the wardens.
Save the date
Please join us for a Walk of witness on Good Friday 18th April 12.30 St John’s Church to St Peters, with Communion at 3pm. We will be led by Penelope Swithinbank.
Services for February
2nd February 10:30 am Morning Communion at St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse
9th February 10:30 am Morning Communion at St Peter’s, Freshford
16th February 10:30 am Morning Service at St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke
23rd February 10:30 am Morning Communion at St Peter’s, Freshford
Wednesday Afternoon Tea
At the Old Bakery at 2.30 – 4.00 for tea, coffee, cake and chat. Everyone is very welcome.
Morning prayer
Wednesday Mornings 8.30am at the Old Bakery. Please join us as we pray for the parish. Pam
Midweek Holy Communion service *
At St Peter’s Church, Freshford on the last Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm
* This will be an informal service using more traditional language and pre-consecrated bread and wine. The service will last for approximately 30 minutes.
Ladies Wednesday walking group
The next walk is on February, followed by the 12th March, 9th April, 14th May, 11th June, 9th July. There will be no walking group in August. Please contact Debbie Ashcroft on 07889 780984 or debbieashcroft@live.co.uk if you would like to join the walking group. All welcome!
Monday Zoom sessions
If you don’t get out much and feel like a chat, a small group of us zoom together for 45 minutes on a Monday morning. To give it a try, please contact Penny Jones on jonespennyg@gmail.com.
List of contacts
Churchwardens St Peter’s, Freshford
Roland Birchby birchbyr@gmail.com or Tel: 01225 723432
Debbie Ashcroft debbieashcroft@live.co.uk
Steve Ashcroft steveashcroft@hotmail.co.uk
Churchwarden St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse
Karen Roberts-Wray (Grattage) kgrattage@me.com or Tel: 01225 729364
Churchwardens St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke
Trevor Quartermaine redadmiral7965@gmail.com
David Sibley dssibley38@gmail.com
Parish Administrator
Debs Jones contact.parishoffice@gmail.com 01225 720347