We met on Sunday December 8th as a church family to consider what our focus should be for the future and what the priority areas would be for a new House for Duty Priest. This will be used to develop the Parish Profile which communicates the nature and vision for the Parish to those who are interested in the position.
Services for January 2025
Services for January 5th January 10:30 am St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse Morning Communion 12th January 10:30 am St Peter’s, Freshford Sunday Service 19th January 10:30 am St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke Morning Communion 26th January 10:30 am St Peter’s, Freshford Morning Service
If you have any concern regarding a matter of safeguarding, you should contact Lesley Mackenzie on 01225 720347 or Diocesan Safeguarding team. Their contact details can be found at bathandwells.org.uk/diocese/safeguarding/reporting-concerns-or-abuse/