
The Parish of Freshford, Limpley Stoke and Hinton Charterhouse

Waiting for spring to start, like most of us, wondering when I am going to feel warm without winter clothes. It is amazing how quickly the months go by and I am gently reminded by Debs to write yet another newssheet. I guess it is because inevitably the future move is looming in the ever nearing future.

One of the things I have loved to do for many years is to speak with people who feel called into ordained ministry. I love to hear their stories and their experience so far. Obviously the process has changed over the years but still the process basically remains the same. How do you quantify vocation? In amongst the conversations we have I am looking to discern how each one has felt and realised that God was calling them into a life of service within the church.

My own journey was now over 35 years ago and being in the Church in Wales was unique to what the diocese of St David’s was looking for. I remember so well some of the highlights, the first a meeting with the Bishop, who also happened to be Archbishop of Wales at that time. Of being interviewed by a group of lay and ordained people asking me such questions as what would I offer to a church that is struggling with an increasingly secular age! I went to Chester for a weekend selection, where from the moment we arrived until we left we were under scrutiny. It all seems like only yesterday because it had the most profound effect on my own journey and calling.

Now I am meeting others along their own trek. Each has a unique story, for some it was a slowly growing realisation that others confirmed, for others it was a drastic change of direction when the realisation came that Ordination was the way forward.

It was a joy to see Harry grow in confidence in himself and in his calling to ordained ministry for two years. I was not able to see him ordained but now he has nearly served a year as a curate in Frome. The journeys are unique but it is the same God who calls.

I guess, that for myself, now heading toward the end of my full-time ministry I have become more reflective. If I can continue to encourage men and women in their journey toward ordained ministry – helping them to comprehend if there is a genuine call to ministry or simply a desire to know themselves and their place in the church better. I pray that my new diocese will allow me to continue this discernment ministry for a while longer.

We are all called to minister to others, if you are a believer then your place is to serve the church (being the people not the building) and to be a servant of others; for the rest of us it is to do our best for our community, and neighbours. We all have a call to be the best we can for the sake of those around us.

What can you do to enrich the lives of others you meet?

On the 19th May at the annual parochial church meeting new wardens will be appointed for St Mary’s and others will be re-elected. PCC members are also elected or re-elected and the annual accounts and reports for 2023 will be shared.



So what is the pattern of our services in May 2024?  

5th May 10.30am Morning communion in St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse

12th 10.30am Morning service in St Peter’s, Freshford

19th 10.30am Morning Communion in St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke – this service will be followed by our annual parochial church meeting

26th 10.30am Morning Communion in St Peter’s, Freshford – This is a change of plan please note new venue

2nd June 10.30am Morning communion in St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse


 Morning prayer 

Wednesday Mornings 8.30am at the Old Bakery.

Please join us as we pray for the parish. Pam Southam

Midweek Holy Communion service *

At St Peter’s Church, Freshford on Wednesday 29th May

at 2.15pm


* This will be an informal service using more traditional language and pre-consecrated bread and wine. The service will last for approximately 30 minutes.

Wednesday afternoons – Tea, cake & chat

Please do come and join us in the Old Bakery on Wednesday afternoons from 2.30 – 4.00 for tea, coffee, cake and chat. Everyone is very welcome.

Ladies Wednesday walking group

The next walk will be on the 5th of June, 10th of July, 7th of August, 4th of September, 9th of October and the 6th of November. December date to be decided nearer the time. Debbie Ashcroft

Monday Zoom sessions

If you don’t get out much and feel like a chat, a small group of us
zoom together for 45 minutes on a Monday morning. To give it a try,
please contact Penny Jones on

List of contacts

Rector Tel 01225 723570 (Day off Friday!)

Churchwardens St Peter’s, Freshford

Roland Birchby  or Tel: 01225 723432

Debbie Ashcroft

Steve Ashcroft

Churchwarden St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse

Karen Roberts-Wray (Grattage) orTel: 01225 729364

Churchwardens St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke

Kathy Tucker orTel: 07883 301500

Richard Hutchinson

Wednesday Mornings 8.30am at the Old Bakery.

Please join us as we pray for the parish. Pam Southam


Midweek Holy Communion service *

At St Peter’s Church, Freshford on Wednesday 24th April

at 2.15pm


* This is an informal service using more traditional language and pre-consecrated bread and wine. The service will last for approximately 30 minutes.


Wednesday afternoons – Tea, cake & chat

Please do come and join us in the Old Bakery on Wednesday afternoons from 2.30 – 4.00 for tea, coffee, cake and chat. Everyone is very welcome.


Ladies Wednesday walking group

The next walk will be on the 10th of April, 1st  of May, 5th of June, 10th of July, 7th of August, 4th of September, 9th of October and the 6th of November. December date to be decided nearer the time. Debbie Ashcroft


Monday Zoom sessions

If you don’t get out much and feel like a chat, a small group of us
zoom together for 45 minutes on a Monday morning. To give it a try,
please contact Penny Jones on


List of contacts

Rector Tel 01225 723570 (Day off Friday!)


Churchwardens St Peter’s, Freshford

Roland Birchby Tel: 01225 723432

Debbie Ashcroft

Steve Ashcroft


Churchwarden St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse

Karen Roberts-Wray (Grattage) Tel: 01225 729364


Churchwardens St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke

Kathy Tucker Not available

Richard Hutchinson



Debs Jones  Tel: 01225 720347