
The Parish of Freshford, Limpley Stoke and Hinton Charterhouse



My dear friends,

September arrives and we are still here – many thought we were finishing at the end of August, well, to be fair our finishing date has moved a few times. Now our finishing date is 31st October though we are taking our holidays through the month in the hopes that we will be in the process of moving to our new home.

Before you ask, we still do not know where that is so can’t give our address! Our son, in the meantime, applied for a job working with Jersey Heritage and got the job. He is moving back to Jersey where has permanent permission to reside and work on the 12th September, stating his new role on the 30th September, just enough time to re-register as a Jersey resident after we left 81/2 years ago.

As soon as we know anything for certain the word will filter out but my last Sunday with you will be 29th September, 10.30am Café church in St Peter’s Freshford. I look forward to seeing many of you then, when our theme will be ‘What now?’

We are still anticipating moving back to Wales and hopefully south West Wales, Pembrokeshire. Lindy is from Carmarthen and I was ordained in St David’s Cathedral. My sister and brother live in the area, and we have many contacts and friends there.

Our family verse, or motto has been borrowed from Joshua 24 verse 15 ‘as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’

Over the many years of public ministry from our first parish on the coast near Aberaeron, Cardiganshire, to St Andrew’s church in Jersey and then here to this parish we have tried to serve the Lord, being faithful to his calling on us, following the direction we believe he has given us, serving and loving those to whom we have been sent. It is going to be very strange that our next move will be about us fitting into a new community. I cannot see us uninvolved with the church but we will give ourselves time to settle down into retirement.

Please keep us in your prayers as well as praying for my successor, and for the vacancy group within the PCC who are looking at your new rector. Support each other and work together for the sake of the people of these three villages.



So what is the pattern of our services in September 2024?  

8th September 10.30am Morning Communion in St Peter’s, Freshford

15th September 10.30am Morning Communion in St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke

22nd September 10.30am Morning Service at St Peter’s Freshford, with a dedication of a child

29th September 10.30am Café Church in St Peter’s, Freshford






Morning prayer 

Wednesday Mornings 8.30am at the Old Bakery.

Please join us as we pray for the parish. Pam Southam



Midweek Holy Communion service *

At St Peter’s Church, Freshford on Wednesday 25th September

at 2.15pm


* This will be an informal service using more traditional language and pre-consecrated bread and wine. The service will last for approximately 30 minutes.


Wednesday afternoons – Tea, cake & chat

Please do come and join us in the Old Bakery on Wednesday afternoons from 2.30 – 4.00 for tea, coffee, cake and chat. Everyone is very welcome.


Ladies Wednesday walking group

The next walk will be on the 4th of September, 9th of October and the 6th of November. The Christmas walk will be on the 11th of December. We will then take a little break and met again on the 7th of January 2025. Debbie Ashcroft


Monday Zoom sessions

If you don’t get out much and feel like a chat, a small group of us
zoom together for 45 minutes on a Monday morning. To give it a try,
please contact Penny Jones on


List of contacts

Rector Tel 01225 723570 (Day off Friday!)


Churchwardens St Peter’s, Freshford

Roland Birchby  or Tel: 01225 723432

Debbie Ashcroft

Steve Ashcroft


Churchwarden St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse

Karen Roberts-Wray (Grattage) or Tel: 01225 729364


Churchwardens St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke

Trevor Quartermaine

David Sibley


Parish Administrator

Debs Jones 01225 720347